Last call for additional team photo orders

26 Jun

Hi all,

After a monumental effort from the team & photographer, 130 team photos are now being checked by coaches & managers to ensure labelling of players is correct. These checked images must be returned to us by 5pm Wednesday 3rd June. To manage excessive communication/emails, we will only accept corrections received from a teams manager or coach.

The deadline to order additional copies of team photos is also 5pm Wednesday 3rd June. Each player recieves one copy of their team photo for no additional cost - the photo fee is baked into player registration fees that were paid at the start of the season.

If you would like to order an additional copy of a team photo, please email with the following information:

$20 per photo

Player name:

Player team:

Additional copies ordered:

Confirmation of payment to account 123494001376000 such as screengrab/screenshot

Please use the players initials & team as the reference.

Thank you,

CTFC Management