Girls Grades

Girls Grade

We have Girls Only teams at 10th grade (Year of birth 2014), 12th Grade (Year of birth 2012 and 2013), 14th Grade (Year of birth 2010 and 2011) and 16th (Year of birth 2008 and 2009).  Please contact our Women's Development Officer Ella if you are interested in playing in one of these teams. If you are born 2006 and 2007 please also contact Ella for options. 

We are also running a Girls Academy Team at 14th and 16th Grade for 2024. Please see our Academy page for more details on this.

The season begins on Saturday 27th April and finishes on Saturday 7th September.  There is no football on Saturday 1st June (Kings Birthday) and Saturday 12th July (middle weekend of the school holidays).   ​​​
